Sustainable Supply Chain

Getac Holdings believes that a strong foundation for supply chain management comes from close cooperation and mutually beneficial relationships with suppliers, where risks and benefits are shared. Getac follows the Responsible Business Alliance (RBA) Code of Conduct and has established the company's corporate social responsibility policy and supplier code of conduct. The relevant sustainability requirements have been incorporated into the Long-Term Procurement Master Agreement.
All raw material suppliers are required to sign the Long-Term Procurement Master Agreement and comply with its provisions, which include commitments from the supplier and its upstream suppliers to adhere to integrity clauses, fulfill environmental protection responsibilities, respect labor rights, prohibit the use of conflict minerals, and agree to provide notification and evidence to assist in the investigation of mineral sources and regulatory processes.


Getac Includes The Following Sustainability Issues In The Master Purchase Agreement
  • Guaranteed non-use of environmentally hazardous substances and compliance with environmental-related laws and regulations.
  • Prohibition of the use of conflict minerals.
  • Prohibition of the use of forced labor and child labor.
  • Respect for freedom of association and collective bargaining rights.
  • Non-discrimination.
  • Protection of intellectual property rights and prohibition of infringement of others' trademarks, copyrights, patent rights, and trade secrets.
  • Prohibition of the offering or accepting of bribes, commission rebates, and accepting improper endowments or hospitality.
  • Protection of occupational health and safety.
  • Compliance with environmental laws in pollutant emission and waste disposal and ISO14001 certification.


Getac Supply Chain Management

Contract Management
  • Sign the Supplier’s Letter of Commitment to Corporate Social Responsibility before the collaboration
  • Sign a master purchase agreement that includes ESG requirements
  • Sign a PO that incorporates ESG requirements
  • Sign a PO that requires basic ESG requirement
  • Sign the agreement of “Most Favorable Treatment and No-Corruption Guarantee Agreement”
Due Diligence
  • Declare the composition of the materials on the GP green product management system before collaboration
  • Sign the VOC Compliance Declaration for the suppliers of coating materials, inks, adhesives, and cleaning agents in China and foreign countries
  • Conduct a supplier sustainability questionnaire survey every year
  • Investigation on the ESG compliance
  • Implementation of the ESG training
  • Suppliers are required to provide the management system certificate and test report
Supplier Audit
  • High-risk manufacturers conduct on-site supplier audits

Prohibiting Procurement Of Conflict Minerals

As a corporate citizen of the world, Getac supports and complies with the Responsible Mineral Initiative (RMI). We do not use conflict minerals that are mined in areas experiencing armed conflict or under conditions that violate human rights, specifically the 3TGs (tin, gold, tantalum and tungsten) extracted from the Democratic Republic of the Congo and neighboring countries. Getac also adheres to the RBA Code of Conduct and adopts the RMI conflicting minerals report template (CMRT) in 3TG reporting.

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